
October 29 Republic Day Celebrated with Enthusiasm at Nursery and Day Care Center of our U...

October 29 Republic Day was celebrated with enthusiasm at Nursery and Day Care center.

The students of the Nursery and Day Care Center, the Vice Rector of Fırat University, Prof. Dr. Bilal ÜSTÜNDAĞ, Secretary General Prof. Dr. Sinan AKPINAR and student families  attended the ceremony.

At the ceremony, which started with a moment of silence and singing of the National Anthem at Atatürk Cultural Center, students of nursery and day care center sang songs emphasizing the meaning and importance of the 29 October Republic Day and presented various shows.

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7 TUBITAK 1001 Projects Prepared in Our University Accepted...

7 of the project proposals prepared by our university academics and submitted to TÜBİTAK 1001 programs in the first term of 2021 were entitled to be supported as a result of scientific evaluation.

While 6 projects were supported within the scope of TÜBİTAK 1001 programs, it was decided to support one project within the scope of the earthquake special call.

Thanks to these accepted projects, approximately 4 million 800 thousand TL will be transferred to our university.

These projects have helped our university become one of the 2 universities in the Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia Region with the highest number of projects accepted in the first term of 2021.

Our University Rector Prof. Dr. Fahrettin GÖKTAŞ congratulated the researchers and consultants, especially the project coordinators, who achieved success in R&D activities in this challenging period, and stated that the projects to be carried out will contribute to the economy of both our province and the country, as well as scientific knowledge.

He stated that 3 of the supported projects, 1 of which is on earthquakes, are in the field of Engineering, 2 in the field of Veterinary, 1 in the field of Aquaculture and 1 in the field of Health Sciences, and that they hope to make Fırat University a research university in the next periods thanks to the support and measures to be taken by the management.

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Digital Stamp created for 29 October Republic Day....

You can visit 29ekim.firat.edu.tr for your digital stamp of 29 October Republic Day

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Listen to Music on Campus!...

Our university has started “Music on Campus” events  in order to increase the motivation of the students who came to the campus after a long time. Within the scope of the events, the students had fun and enjoyed the music outside on campus.

Organized by our University's Corporate Communications Coordinator and State Conservatory, the event was held on the campus of our University's Rectorate.

Within the scope of the events, the students of the State Conservatory performed live music with their instruments. In addition, students not studying at conservatory attended the event with their instruments.

The students, who had fun on the grass in the open air, thanked the management of our University for the event.

Our University's Corporate Communications Coordinator stated "Due to the coronavirus, our students have been away from our campus for a while. We missed our students, and our students missed their university a lot. In order to increase the morale and motivation of our students returning to our campus, we started an event called “Music on Campus” with the support of our State Conservatory. During the events  that we organize to increase our students’ motivation, the students had the opportunity to enjoy our campus with its nature. As the Corporate Communication Coordinatorship, our social events for our students will continue on our campus.

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